Articles By: Marc Harty

Marc Harty is an online publicity expert, professional speaker, Internet marketing consultant and CEO of MainTopic Media, Inc. Marc’s Online PR Made Easy can help anyone at any skill level generate targeted web site traffic on autopilot.

5 Ways to Labor WAY Less with Online PR

In honor of the US holiday, Labor Day, I write you today about labor. YOUR labor. And how by working smarter, not harder, you can gain more completion, and yes, better results with your Online PR.Before I share my list for less Online PR labor, did you know THE one element that could immediately short-circuit...
September 6th, 2010 | Online PR | Read More

My Best Online PR Tips in 7 Minutes

My purpose behind is really quite simple. Take a sliver of time called a “time slice” where you can either learn or implement one of my proven Online PR tips in 30 minutes or less.With that in mind, I assembled some of my best tips in 7 minutes, 14 seconds. And rather than take you...
August 23rd, 2010 | Online PR | Read More

Online Marketing Event: New Online PR Made Easy System Shows How to Gain Instant Authority

Got traffic? Authors, writers, speakers, as well as small business and marketing professionals need consistent online visibility. Enter the most comprehensive, step-by-step Online PR training system available today. Preview this new system via a free Online Training:,...
June 24th, 2010 | Latest News | Read More

3 Timeless Branding Lessons from the Red Phone Box

Editor’s note: welcome to another episode  of “The London Chronicles.” Online PR and branding strategist Marc Harty, with the United Kingdom as his story backdrop, reveals proven methods for Online PR, publicity, marketing and branding, as you’ve never seen them before…Question: would you...
June 19th, 2010 | Branding | Read More

17 Impact Factors of Online Press Release Performance

A discussion about  press release performance is one that’s always worth having.  Even more so considering the many dynamics at play. From big “make it or break it” factors like the main story to more incremental elements like formatting nuances, any of these, either individually or collectively...
April 25th, 2010 | Online PR | Read More

4 Branding Lessons Learned A World Away (Featuring Donuts)

Since this article is about branding and I've been a branding strategist for many years, let's be clear from the get go. I'm not talking about logos! This is about brand personality and marketing positioning. It all started with my recent world travel to Singapore and Malaysia. The trip lasted nearly...
March 27th, 2010 | Branding | Read More

What are YOUR Wins for the Week?

It’s so easy to get caught up with the micro that we forget the macro. In this case, did our work payoff? What results did we get? Can we track those results and connect the dots to the bottom line? One way to answer those questions is to step back , gain perspective and then take a look and ask...
February 11th, 2010 | Productivity, Publicity | Read More

Big Picture-Wise, What’s Your Theme for 2010?

As I write this on New Year’s Eve, I’ve seen any number of articles and blog posts on resolutions, both positive and negative. So I make the following promise: keep reading and you’ll learn a new way to plan and focus the coming year—and it’s not work, it’s really fun! You see, rather...
December 31st, 2009 | Productivity | Read More

Negative Publicity a Weighty Issue? Not For Ex-Baywatch Star

Celebrity and negative publicity often go together like hand in glove. Case in point, I recently spent two weeks in London and the newspapers there are a lot more “tabloid” in their approach to news than their USA counterparts.And of course, I’m sure you’ve been following the David Letterman...
October 12th, 2009 | Publicity | Read More

The 4 Pillars of The New PR

PR has evolved. Even to the point it is now more relevant and more public than ever. New PR offers far more publicity opportunities than old PR ever did, especially for those who are not marketing experts. In “The New Rules of Marketing and PR" author David Meerman Scott explains, “The Internet has...
September 15th, 2009 | Online PR | Read More

5 Ways Free Press Release Sites Can Cost You

Yes, free press release sites can and do cost the uninformed and even the experienced marketer. Some of the costs are screamingly obvious others are more hidden. And it's my role as your advocate to review and reveal them all. Let's roll!OK, so you've written your press release. Next action: online press...
June 26th, 2009 | Distribution | Read More

What’s your Buzz Quotient? Social Media Monitoring with Filtrbox

What's your BQ? That's Buzz Quotient... as in are you generating online buzz with your marketing and publicity efforts? Are you tracking and monitoring said buzz? If you're not, you risk undermining your performance while giving your competition a decided leg up.So what's the best solution?  Well you...
April 14th, 2009 | Analytics | Read More

The Top 10 PR Lead Sources on Twitter

What's a more likely scenario for media coverage: pitch a reporter out of the blue or a reporter who seeks an expert that matches your background precisely?It's the difference between "push" and "pull" PR. When you pitch a story, you are pushing your story to the media. Conversely, with "pull" PR, the...
March 18th, 2009 | Twitter | Read More

The 5 Fatal Flaws of Common Press Release Templates

Over 12,000 people search Google every month for the keyword search phrase "How to write a press release?" That's a lot of folks in need of serious press release education and training.And yet how many people behind those 144,000 annual Google searches actually write a press release, rather than just...
March 13th, 2009 | Press Release Templates | Read More

30 Minute PR in 5 Minutes or Less

Welcome to Here, we talk Online PR, Publicity and Press Release tips on a time budget. In short, we share actionable tips and techniques that can be consumed and implemented very quickly. All because your time is valuable, the clock is ticking and our feet are firmly planted in a place...
March 4th, 2009 | Tools and Resources | Read More